01 June 2023
6 tips for an impactful video format

More impactful, more shared, more alive, the video format is popular with brands. It’s just a question of choosing the right subjects, the right environment and, above all, the right content. AdC – The content Agency spoke to Léa Siad Travers, director of the Little Big Films agency. She gives us 6 tips for producing a successful video format. Interview.
How do you choose a good cast?
Léa Siad Travers: It all depends on the type of project and the message the brand wants to get across. Each video format has its own particular cast. We’re more likely to select collaborators to convey strong messages and put them on stage. For corporate videos, on the other hand, we tend to choose actors. Whatever the situation, the rule is to respect the company’s DNA. In short, good casting requires people who are willing, available and committed to the project. It’s also important to have genuine, sincere interviewees. In both cases, you can’t improvise – you have to prepare in advance.
How do you prepare the questions to ask?
LSF: The questions asked will depend on the video format chosen and what the brand wants to convey. In all cases, preparation is crucial. If you want to shoot a funny Konbini or Brut-type video, then you’re going to rely on short questions to stay dynamic. Conversely, for more complex subjects, the questions will be more precise and pointed. The more the journalist has prepared his interview, the more he’ll be able to bounce off the answers and make the video dynamic and interesting.
“We have to adapt to the environment around us, not the environment to us.”
How important is the environment in which the video is shot?
LSF: We have to start from the principle that we’re not in environments we can control. We have to adapt to the environment around us, not the environment to us. It’s therefore advisable to do some location scouting before the video shoot, in order to anticipate lighting effects and ceiling heights. As with questions, a great deal of preparation is required beforehand. You can’t improvise and risk making mistakes. And if you realize this on the day of the shoot, it’s already too late.
How do you choose the right video format for your needs?
LST: To choose the right format, you need to know your company’s DNA. And of course, think about your target audience. The priority is to know who you’re talking to, so as to hold on to an audience over the long term. It’s also essential to consider the distribution channel: you won’t use the same format for a video that will be seen on a smartphone or on TV…
“Knowing your brand’s DNA is key to mastering video production.”
The trend is obviously for stories and other video formats on social networks. It’s a complicated exercise, since it’s essential to be able to stand out in a few seconds and appeal to an over-solicited target audience. We can see how companies are struggling to break new ground, perhaps because they’re still a little too conventional. Startups, on the other hand, stand out from the crowd, take risks, and it works!
What’s the biggest challenge in choosing the right video format?
LSF: Ultimately, the biggest difficulty that comes up is adaptability. You have to adapt to the content, the target and the brand’s DNA. Content is essential for a video. Rely on a strong script to make your video a success, otherwise it won’t have any impact.
The best video format 2023?
LSF: Humor-based formats work very well. The staging for a humorous video format is the most complicated to set up. But it’s a safe bet. Humor breaks with traditional codes, and is a useful risk-taking strategy with a very good return on investment. It’s a format that really makes an impression, and one that’s always remembered.
Now that you’ve read all our tips for successful background work, check out our article on all the trendy video formats you can use to ensure your communication!